Apr 26, 2011

NFL Draft Drinking Game!

Ok ladies and gentlemen, the 2011 NFL Draft is about to happen! This Thursday, the first round will be on prime time television for the second straight year. This makes it perfect to go out with the guys and watch the greatest "non-game" sporting event of the year.  And what better way to celebrate and or mourn your team's picks than drinking mass quantities of alcohol. Whether you follow these rules exactly or just use them as a guideline, they will for sure make your draft watching experiences greater. Rumor has it Bengals' owner Mike Brown follows these rules while he's in his own war room.

Feel free to print these and share them with your friends. I'd ask that you just keep our name on them since it took a while to create this. 

Once again, enjoy, be safe, drink responsibly, and GO BROWNS! 

NFL Draft Drinking Game
Please Drink Responsibly
Created by: Cleveland's Rocks
Personal Team:
  • Personal power hour when your team is on the clock.  1 Drink per Minute
  • If you’re upset about your teams pick.   Drink until your not
  • Roger Goodell makes a pick announcement.   Social
  • Any pick is traded.   Social
General Phrases:
  • Any mention of the Scouting Combine i.e.  40-yard dash times, bench press, vertical leap 1 Drink
  • If a player is described as a "project", or "sleeper"  1 Drink
  • "Physical specimen."   1 Drink
  • "Intangibles."   1 Drink
  • “Drafting for need”   1 Drink
  • "Best athlete available."   1 Drink
  • “Tremendous upside”   1 Drink

  • Any analyst disagrees with the pick made.   1 Drink
  • Fans boo their first-round pick.   1 Drink
  • Whenever ESPN cuts to a teams “War Room”   1 Drink
  • Camera shot of draftee at home with family.   1 Drink  
  • Draftee at podium is wearing an obnoxiously colored suit (green, purple, yellow, sharkskin), a derby hat or extremely gaudy jewelry.   1 Drink
  • A player from a college you've never heard of is picked.   1 Drink
  • Draftee slips because of "personal problems”.   1 Drink
  • The highlight footage of a first-round pick makes him look like the single greatest player to put on a helmet and play the game of football.   1 Drink
  • Every time someone mentions that Tom Brady was drafted in the 6th round.   1 Drink
  • Every time Chris Mortensen “breaks” a story. 1 Drink
  • Shot of Al Davis in the Raiders War Room - 1 Drink and yell DIE ALREADY
  • Cincinnati drafts a player that's been arrested before.   2 Drinks
  • Last player in green room after 20 picks.  2 Drinks per pick until he is drafted, then give him a standing ovation
  • Every time someone makes a joke about the Lions taking a receiver.   2 Drinks

Personal Phrases/Situations:
            Mel Kiper:
·       Calls a pick a "steal" because he had him listed higher on his draft board 2 Drinks
·       Someone makes a comment of his hair. 3 Drinks
Chris Berman:
·       Anytime he interrupts someone.   1 Drink
·       Anytime he says “Raydas”   5 Drinks
Tom Jackson
·       Let’s slip one of those high-pitched giggles that sounds funny coming from a former middle linebacker.   2 Drinks

Enjoy and once again please DRINK RESPONSIBLY

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:06 PM

    OK, so this is responsible drinking?! But I do like the Cinci-2 drink rule under "Situations." I think they actually LOOK for players who've been arrested, or maybe it just seems that way. And if Cleveland picks another QB, what does that come under? Oh, second rule under "Personal Team." And just wondering, if you do follow the rules of this game, who is gonna make it past the first round??? By then, who cares? ;-D
