Ahhhhhh!!!!!! Just when you thought you had enough of Terrelle Pryor for what he did to the OSU Buckeyes, it has been reported that the Cleveland Browns are looking into the infamous former QB. As Mary Kay Cabot wrote in today's Plain Dealer, the Browns are doing their "due diligence" on Pryor for the upcoming supplemental draft.
The shocking thing is that I have seen a decent amount of Cleveland support for the addition of Pryor. Am I the only one who thinks getting Pryor is a terrible idea?
Lets take a look at things. For the West Coast Offense to be successful you need your QB to be very accurate and make great decisions.
Terrelle Pryor is very inaccurate. Probably the most inaccurate QB coming out of college this year. Most of his long ball passes are ducks, and his quick timing passes that you need in the WCO are all over the place. He decisions are also terrible. Some of his passes over his career at OSU you had to wonder if he had any coaching at all.
That leads me into the next point. How coachable is Pryor. OSU always has top notch coaches at every position and are some of the best at developing talent. Did Pryor really develop that much? He got bigger and faster which shows he can workout, but his QB skills stayed about the same. He still made the same bad passes last year that he made as a freshman. His mechanics have not got better and his accuracy is as bad as his first season. This shows that he doesn't really care what great coaches have to say about him. He wants to do things his way and his way only. Not a great attribute if you want to draft him as a 'project'.
And for all those Pryor believers still out there who bring up how he won the BCS bowls against Oregon and stuff remember this. He did not win those games. His team did. His amazing defense did. If anything he tried to lose those games with his bonehead decision making. And his god plays. Those were made off his legs and not his arm. He will not be able to do nearly as much as those busted plays he succeeded on at OSU.
How willing would he be to switch to a WR? You saw how selfish he was at OSU. What makes you think he would want to switch? ESPN AFC North Blogger James Walker said it would be a decent idea for the Browns to draft him saying it is a low risk high reward type deal. But how low risk would it be? He is already bringing more media attention than just about every first round draft pick. Is that what you want to bring to the Browns training camp for a guy who probably wont play at all this year?
You can see he is not a fit as a West Coast QB. You know he is selfish and brings the media everywhere with him. This is not like grabbing Mike Vick who you know is proven at this level. He was a cancer at OSU and if we try to switch him to WR how do you know he wont be a cancer in the locker room now?
I really hope the Browns do their research and stay away from Terrelle Pryor.
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