Don’t get me wrong, I'm as sick of these Chris Perez
comments as the next person. But the fact is, the Indians are in first place
and we need to get to the stadium to support them. I’m not talking about a Tuesday night game or a Wednesday
afternoon game, but the majority of our home games should be packed. As I wrote about this time last year, there are plenty of reasons why we should go to a
Tribe game. There is also a big new reason why you should head downtown for an
Indians game. A fucking Casino! Cleveland finally has something to offer, so
might as well make a night of it and win back your ticket costs.
While I'm at it, I've brainstormed a couple
really-freaking-cool-never-going-to-happen promotions that would all but
guarantee a sellout.
Really-Freaking-Cool-Never-Going-To-Happen-Promotion #1:
A casino-beer promotion is a great idea! |
For every beer that is sold, give a $1 chip in return to the
Horseshoe Casino. I'm sure the Horseshoe Casino would be all for the promotion
and the Indians could easily afford to cut $1 off their $12 beers. I could only
assume beer sales would triple. This can’t end badly can it? Okay, okay, so our
streets might be filled with drunken idiots going to blow their life savings.
But you get the picture. Have some sort of promotion with the casino. There is
no reason the Indians shouldn’t jump on that opportunity to gets fans to the
Really-Freaking-Cool-Never-Going-To-Happen-Promotion #2:
Get a contract with Fresh Brewed Tees and give away some
damn shirts! We all know that Fresh Brewed Tees has badass Cleveland shirts and
I'm sure they’ll be all for the extra business. I’m sick of the normal
franchise t-shirt give-a-way days. They all suck. The shirts are always XL,
made by some 7 year-old in China, and have about 10 K-Mart logos plastered all
over it. I remember always wearing my Albert Belle shirt that came down to my
feet and was proudly brought to me by Giant Eagle. Enough of that shit! We
demand good shirts! Fresh Brewed Tees are well made, plus they donate portions
of profits to the City Mission. You can’t beat that. Sure this may cost the
Tribe a bit more to pull off, but I'm sure a sellout would make them money.
Plus, how badass would it be to have 43,000 Cleveland Swag shirts?
In reality, none of those will happen. But as a Clevelander,
we need to continue this grass roots campaign to get fans there. The support on
Facebook and Twitter is great. But you can't just tweet “Go Tribe”. You
actually have to go. The worst thing we can do is stoop to the level of Bengals
fans. We’re better than that. Cleveland is popping this time of year. We
actually have stuff to do there. Did I mention we have a casino?
I know many fans hate the Dolan’s and want to boycott the
Indians. As much as I hate the ownership, that won't help anything. The only
thing we can hope for is Dan Gilbert buys the Indians with all his dirty casino
money. A man can dream right?
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